Peachy Cream Short Stem Rose Bouquet
From our sought-after Recipe Collection comes this delightfully understated bouquet that brings warmth and charm to any space. The peachy cream roses, thoughtfully bound with rustic twine, create an authentic appearance perfect for year-round display. This ready-made posy works brilliantly in bridal settings or as an everyday accent piece that requires no maintenance or seasonal replacement. For a complete arrangement, we suggest pairing with our Seeded Eucalyptus Stem for organic texture, White Gypsophila Spray for airy dimension, and Lambs Ear Spray to add silvery undertones. The addition of our Gunnii Eucalyptus Spray introduces a cool blue-green element that enhances the neutral palette. This combination creates lasting arrangements that appeal to both traditional and contemporary retail customers, making it an essential stock item for florists and design-focused retailers.
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